Pantou – The European Accessible Tourism Directory is proud to be a listed supplier and service provider with „Pantou – The European Accessible Tourism Directory“. Since April 2023, we have been part of this single organization whose mission is facilitating access to accessible tourism for people with physical disabilities.
For us at, this membership is an honour and an essential step in our mission to support travellers with special needs. We understand that accessible tourism is not only a concern for people with disabilities but also for older people, families with young children and many other travellers who require support.
At, accessible tourism is challenging, as every physical impairment is different and has different support requirements. But we are determined to provide our customers with the highest level of comfort and support so that they can enjoy their holiday to the fullest.
Experts and Resources
Through our membership in Pantou, we have access to a network of experts and resources to help us improve our services and be even more responsive to our client’s needs. We are confident that this collaboration WILL help us continually expand and enhance our capabilities and offerings.
Pantou – The European Accessible Tourism Directory
We want to open up to Pantou for this opportunity and look forward to a successful collaboration.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere Partnerseite von Pantou hier.
PS: Dieser Blog enthält Werbeplatzierungen. – Newsletter hier abonnieren.
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